Vauxhall will show its private collection of historical cars at its Heritage Centre open day on August 24, from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m.
The cars date from 1903 and include various concepts. Models include the D-type Staff Car, which celebrates its centenary; and the droop-snoot Firenza, designed by Wayne Cherry, which celebrates 40 years since it began production.
The Calibra and Lotus Carlton, which have Opel equivalents, mark their quarter-century.
Vauxhall will also display its British-made VX220 and the Australian-made Monaro VXR 500, along with its latest Aussie import, the VXR8 GTS, based on the HSV GTS.
Food and refreshments will be offered, and children can enjoy pedal cars and face painting.
The Vauxhall Heritage Centre, which houses 70 models and archival material, is located at the company’s headquarters in Luton, Bedfordshire.

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